
Tuesday, October 7, 2014



Well many of us if not all of us have at one time or another had to face with the really frustrating option of either loosing the admin password or just being on a cmputer where the admin has locked everything with a password and yes that really sucks. 

but now come to think of it if we knew where windows stores its passwords then it would be easy to bypass the password request for loging in to admin whether on a personal computer or on a school,work etc. computer. good thing is we know and so a very genius company called HIREN  CAME UP WITH A BOOTABLE CD that can help you do just that...delete the password file and leave the admin open or iven change it if its on your own computer. i will guide you on a step by step course of how we do that.
you might need

you definitely need:

Use the rufus software to make a bootable flash drive of the  hirens image if you will not be using it on burned iso disk
Tested on: NT 3.51, NT 4 (all versions and SPs), Windows 2000 (all versions & SPs), Windows XP (all versions, also SP2 and SP3), Windows Server 2003 (all SPs), Windows Vista 32 and 64 bit (SP1 also), Window 7 (all variants). Some also say that it works on Windows Server 2008 too.
If used on users that have EFS encrypted files, and the system is XP or Vista, all encrypted files for that user will be UNREADABLE! and cannot be recovered unless you remember the old password again. If you don't know if you have encrypted files or not, you most likely don't have them (except maybe on corporate systems).

Boot your computer with Hiren's BootCD and follow the steps below for resetting your password:

1. Enter "Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer"

With Up & Down keys select Offline 'NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer' and press Enter.

2. Wait for "Offline NT Password & Registry Editor" to Load

On the screen below, you'll see is several lines of text that quickly run down the screen. You don't need to do anything here. Wait for "Offline NT Password & Registry Editor" to load.

1. Select "NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer"

2. Linux files are loading...

3. Choose the Correct Hard Drive Partition

This step in the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor process is to select the partition that contains the Windows installation that you want to delete a password from.
Many computers have a single operating system installed on a single partition on a single hard drive, making this a very easy choice.
If that's the case for you, just press ENTER to accept the default partition. Otherwise, type the number corresponding to the correct partition from the Candidate Windows partitions found list and then press ENTER.

If more than one partition is listed and you're not sure which one to pick, chances are the larger partition is the one with Windows installed.

Every Windows 7 PC will have more than one partition listed.

4. Confirm the Windows Registry Path

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor now needs to know the exact location of the Windows Registry. Except in the rarest of occasions, the default location will be the correct one.
Just Press ENTER to accept the default Windows Registry path without writing anything else.

3. Choose the Correct Hard Drive Partition

4. Confirm the Windows Registry Path

5. Choose the Password Reset Option

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is now asking which part of the registry it should load.
Press ENTER to accept the default choice of Password reset.

The Offline NT Password & Registry Editor tool can perform various functions aside from resetting passwords but since that's the focus of this particular walkthrough, that's all we'll discuss.

6. Choose the Edit User Data and Passwords Option

Now that the registry is loaded and available to the program, Offline NT Password & Registry Editor needs to know exactly what you want to do.
Press ENTER to accept the default choice of Edit user data and passwords.
This will load the necessary options for the actual password reset.

5. Choose the Password Reset Option

6. Choose the Edit User Data and Passwords Option

7. Enter the Username to Edit

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor now needs to know which user's password you'd like to delete (erase, clear, blank, remove, call it what you like).
A default user is listed between the brackets at the prompt. In the above example, you can see that it's the Administrator user.
If the default user is the user you'd like to remove the password from, simply press ENTER. Otherwise, enter the username and then press ENTER.

8. Type 1 to Clear (blank) user password and then press ENTER

At the bottom of the screen you'll see the User Edit Menu with several options to choose from.
Type 1 for Clear (blank) user password and then press ENTER.

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor shows some interesting information about the username you entered in the last step - the full name, what groups the user belongs to, how many failed login attempts have taken place, how many total logins have been completed, and more.

If you see a check in the "Passwd not req." box, this means that a password is not a requirement for this particular user. It does not mean that a password is not required to access the account in Windows. In other words, it's saying that it is possible to erase this user's password.

7. Enter the Username to Edit

8. Type 1 to Clear (blank) user password and then press ENTER

9. Type ! to quit the User Edit Tool

Assuming there weren't any problems, you should see a Password cleared! message after entering 1 in the previous step.
Type ! to quit editing user and then press ENTER.

You must confirm these changes in a later step before they are actually complete. If you quit Offline NT Password & Registry Editor now then the password reset will not take place!

10. Type q to Quit Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

Enter q and then press ENTER to quit the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor registry editing tool.
Important: You're still not done! You need to confirm your password reset change in the next step before it will take effect.

9. Type ! to quit the User Edit Tool

10. Type q to Quit Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

11. Type y and then press ENTER to confirm Password Reset Changes

At the Step FOUR: Writing back changes menu, Offline NT Password & Registry Editor asks if you want to write file(s) back.
Type y and then press ENTER.
You should see an EDIT COMPLETE message appear on screen. If you do, it means that Offline NT Password & Registry Editor has written the password changes to your computer!

12. Confirm That You're Finished Using Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor gives you an option here to rerun the program. If you've been following along with this guide and everything seems to have worked properly then there's little reason to repeat anything.
Press ENTER to confirm the default option of not rerunning the password reset.

11. Type y and then press ENTER to confirm Password Reset Changes

12. Press ENTER to Confirm That You're Finished Using Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

13. Remove Hiren's BootCD and Restart the Computer

That's it! You've just completed the entire Offline NT Password & Registry Editor password removal process.

13. Remove Hiren's BootCD and Restart the Computer

Note: If you receive a "job control turned off" or a "can't access tty" error, don't worry. As long as the EDIT COMPLETE confirmation message was posted to the screen after you confirmed the password reset changes then your password was successfully reset. You should still be able to see the confirmation on the screen at this point.
Remove Hiren's BootCD from your CD/DVD drive and then manually reset your computer.
In the next step, you'll finally get to logon to Windows without entering a password!
Now that your password has been removed using Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, no password is required to log on to Windows.
If you are the only user on your computer, Windows will boot all the way to the desktop on the next reboot and will skip the logon screen altogether.
If you're on a multi-user computer (as many families are), the logon screen will still appear after starting Windows but when you click on the user that had the password removed, you will not be prompted for a password and will instead enter Windows automatically.
Having a secure password is important so please don't continue to use Windows without one. As soon as you've gained access to your computer again, configure a new password - one you can remember a little easier!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


How to Crack Wi-Fi Passwords—For Beginners!


Yeah yeah people keep asking this question over and over and am tired of being asked the same myself... if you are wondering what am talking about then you should read the tittle of this anyway I wanted to lay it to rest once and for all, there are no "tools" that can single handedly hack, crack Wi-Fi passwords within a few minutes like these tools you find on Google searches seem to insinuate. all of those crap tools are genius works of hackers like me who have come to know that people are so ignorant that they are willing to destroy their own devices[computers and smartphones], just to feel like hackers. these people probably don’t want to know the geeky stuff that happens during hacking and are therefore very satisfied if you make a silly program that pretends to be really working hard to crack your victims password while all its really doing is installing Trojans in the background that will allow now the real hacker to access your computer and probably gain a lot of confidential info from you.

Anyway all I mean to say is that there is only one way to crack Wi-Fi passwords and it’s not the least bit easy so here is a detailed tutorial on all the procedure you will need.

An internet connection has become a basic necessity in our modern lives. Wireless hotspots (commonly known as Wi-Fi) can be found everywhere!

If you have a PC with a wireless network card, then you must have seen many networks around you. Sadly most of these networks are secured with a network security key.

Have you ever wanted to use one of these networks? You must have desperately wanted to check your mail when you shifted to your new house. The hardest time in your life is when your internet connection is down.

Cracking those Wi-Fi passwords is your answer to temporary internet access. This is a comprehensive guide which will teach even complete beginners how to crack WEP encrypted networks, easily.

If it's WPA2-PSK passwords you need to crack, you can use aircrack-ng or coWPAtty.
Table of Contents

1. How are wireless networks secured?

2. What you'll need

3. Setting up CommView for Wi-Fi

4. Selecting the target network and capturing packets

5. Waiting...

6. Now the interesting part... CRACKING!

7. Are you a visual learner?
Step 1: How Are Wireless Networks Secured?

In a secured wireless connection, internet data is sent in the form of encrypted packets. These packets are encrypted with network security keys. If you somehow manage to get hold of the key for a particular wireless network you virtually have access to the wireless internet connection.

Broadly speaking, there are two main types of encryptions used.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)

This is the most basic form of encryption. This has become an unsafe option as it is vulnerable and can be cracked with relative ease. Although this is the case many people still use this encryption.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)

This is the more secure alternative. Efficient cracking of the passphrase of such a network requires the use of a wordlist with the common passwords. In other words you use the old-fashioned method of trial and error to gain access. Variations include WPA-2 which is the most secure encryption alternative till date. Although this can also be cracked using a wordlist if the password is common, this is virtually uncrackable with a strong password. That is, unless the WPA PIN is still enabled (as is the default on many routers).

Hacking WEP passwords is relatively fast, so we'll focus on how to crack them for this guide. If the only networks around you use WPA passwords, you'll want to follow this guide on how to crack WPA Wi-Fi passwordsinstead.
Step 2: What You'll Need

· A compatible wireless adapter:

This is by far the biggest requirement.The wireless card of your computer has to be compatible with the software CommVIew. This ensures that the wireless card can go into monitor mode which is essential for capturing packets. Click here to check if your wireless card is compatible

· CommView for Wi-Fi :

This software will be used to capture the packets from the desired network adapter. Click here to download the software from their website.

· Aircrack-ng GUI:

After capturing the packets this software does the actual cracking. Click hereto download the software from their website.

· A little patience is vital!!
Step 3: Setting Up CommView for Wi-Fi

· Download the zip file of CommView for Wi-Fi from the website. Extract the file and run setup.exe to install CommView for Wi-Fi. When CommView opens for the first time it has a driver installation guide. Follow the prompts to install the driver for your wireless card.

· Run CommView for Wi-Fi.

· Click the play icon on the top left of the application window.

Start scanning for wireless networks.

CommView now starts scanning for wireless networks channel by channel. After a few minutes you will have a long list of wireless networks with their security type and signal. Now it is time to choose your target network.
Step 4: Selecting the Target Network and Capturing Packets

A few things to keep in mind before choosing the target wireless network:

· This tutorial is only for WEP encrypted networks, so make sure you select a network with WEP next to its name. If you need to crack a WPA encrypted network, follow this tutorial instead.

· Choose a network with the highest signal.

· Each network will have its details in the right column.

· Make sure the WEP network you are choosing has the lowest dB (decibel) value.

Once you have chosen your target network, select it and click Capture to start capturing packets from the desired channel.

Now you might notice that packets are being captured from all the networks in the particular channel. To capture packets only from the desired network follow the given steps.

· Right click the desired network and click on copy MAC Address.

· Switch to the Rules tab on the top.

· On the left hand side choose MAC Addresses.

· Enable MAC Address rules.

· For 'Action' select 'capture' and for 'Add record' select 'both'.

· Now paste the mac address copied earlier in the box below.

We need to capture only data packets for cracking. So, select D on the bar at the top of the window and deselect M (Management packets) and C (Control packets).

Now you have to save the packets so that they can be cracked later. To do this:

· Go to the logging tab on top and enable auto saving.

· Set Maximum Directory Size to 2000.

· Set Average Log File Size to 20.
Step 5: Waiting...

Now the boring part- WAITING!

NOTE: The amount of time taken to capture enough data packets depends on the signal and the networks usage. The minimum number of packets you should capture should be 100,000 for a decent signal.

After you think you have enough packets (at least 100,000 packets), you'll need to export them.

· Go to the log tab and click on concatenate logs.

· Select all the logs that have been saved.

· Do not close CommView for Wi-Fi.

· Now navigate to the folder where the concatenated logs have been saved.

· Open the log file.

· Select File- Export -Wire shark tcpdump format and choose any suitable destination.

· This will save the logs with a .cap extension to that location.
Step 6: Now the Interesting Part... CRACKING!

· Download Aircrack-ng and extract the zip file.

· Open the folder and navigate to 'bin'.

· Run Aircrack-ng GUI.

· Choose WEP.

· Open your .cap file that you had saved earlier.

· Click Launch.

· In the command prompt type in the index number of your target wireless network.

· Wait for a while. If everything goes fine, the wireless key will be shown.

You may also receive a request to try with more packets. In this case wait until more packets have been captured and repeat the steps to be performed after capturing packets.


Monday, September 29, 2014


Boosting your Wi-Fi range with just a homemade parabolic reflector


  • To do this, all you need is an aluminum foil. You can finish it in less than 5 minutes and it will just cost you some cents.
  • First, you must tear a cut of aluminum foil in a rectangle shape.
  • After that, fold the sheet halfwise then fold each of the four sides for about 2 centimeter.
  • Next, begin forming a curve into the foil.
  • After that, you can now position the parabolic reflector behind the antenna of your wireless device, which should be pointed in the general direction of the wireless hub.
  • Then you will see that the signal strength will be truly maximized. For best results, you can also try doing second parabolic reflector then put it next to the antenna of your wireless router then you will notice that the signal will more increase and you would be able to download files faster.
  • When you fold each side of the foil this helps to straight a frame to add stability. And when you form a curve into the foil, this curve shape resembles the general shape of the parabola.

Adding strength to your Wi-Fi

The man in the video used the bottom of a box and covers it with a foil. He put two holes in the lower side where he will insert the antenna of the wireless router. He puts the Wireless router with a satellite-like box covered with foil up into he’s wall. What happens after what he has done is he’s Wi-Fi strength boost up. From 48 mbps, his signal gradually increases to 54 mbps.


How to maximize your Wi-Fi strength by just using old can

  • In doing this, you need an empty can, marker, and any tool you can use to cut the can.
  • First thing you must do, is to draw a line just below the opening of the can and continue it to the sides.
  • Next step is to cut the can along the line and remove the bottom.
  • Then you make a hole where you will insert your antenna below the can.
  • Next, you can paint the can or just cover it with foil or duct tape around the edges and on the exterior.
  • Lastly, Put the finished product above your wireless router; insert the antenna in the hole you’ve made.

Friday, September 19, 2014


I WAS playing around with my schoolwork today and i came across a very major of those pdf books that our lecturer sent was locked with a password and the lecturer wasnt replying to my e-mail so i decided what better than to solve this mystery.....So like always i hit the interwebs with my friendly google and voil!! i found an amazing amount of info on how to get rid of all this passwords in this silly pdf!! so i decided if it helped me then it should be able to help another ryt!! and here we are with me posting the info from one Mr.Tim Cook[courtesy]. help yourself to this well of knowledge....
A PDF password remover (also called a PDF password cracker, password reset, or password recovery tool, depending on its ability) is a program that can be used to either find, remove, or bypass the security on a PDF file that prevents you from opening, printing, or changing the PDF file.
Most PDF password cracker tools fall in to one or more of three major categories: tools that recover the PDF user password, tools that recover the PDF owner password, and tools that remove the PDF owner password allowing full access to the PDF file.
The majority of PDF password remover tools cost money but there are also plenty of free PDF password removal, recovery, and cracking programs and the best of them are listed below:
Note: An individual PDF password removal tool might only support the cracking or removing of a password if it's of a certain kind, for a certain security level, encrypting a certain version of PDF, or may even have other restrictions. I'll call out any of those known limits below.
Important: In most countries, the only legal use of PDF password crackers is to break the security on a PDF file that you have the permission to do so on, like a PDF you encrypted but forgot the password to.
Need to Crack a Different Kind of Password? See my list of free password crackers for free programs to crack Windows passwords, RAR and ZIP archives, Word and Excel files, and more.
PDFCrack - Free PDF Password Recovery Program -

1. PDFCrack

PDFCrack is the best free PDF password recovery tool available, assuming that's what you're after - an actual password "recovery" and not a simple PDF password removal or reset.
Method: PDFCrack would be considered a true PDF password recovery program since it recovers both the user password and owner password from encrypted PDFs. PDFCrack uses a brute-force password recovery method.
Limits: PDFCrack works with PDF files up to version 1.6 with 128-bit RC4 encryption.
My Test: PDFCrack recovered the 4-digit owner password on a version 1.6 PDF file with 128-bit RC4 encryption in two minutes. A longer and/or more complicated PDF password could take days, weeks, or even longer to recover.
PDFCrack is a command-line tool and should work on Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP, including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
If all you need is a way to bypass the permissions security in a PDF then PDFCrack is probably more than you need in a PDF password cracker. However, if you need to know the actual owner or user password, PDFCrack is your best bet.
GuaPDF - Free PDF Password Remover Program -

2. GuaPDF Demo

GuaPDF, sometimes referred to as Guaranteed PDF Decrypter, is a combination PDF password remover/recovery tool. GuaPDF is easy to use and doesn't even require installation.
Method: GuaPDF is primarily a PDF password remover tool for the owner password but can also be used as a PDF password recovery tool for 40-bit encrypted user passwords.
Limits: GuaPDF works with PDF files up to version 1.7 level 3 even with 256-bit AES encryption. However, GuaPDF will only decrypt PDF files at higher levels of version 1.7 if the encryption is at 128-bit AES.
My Test: GuaPDF removed the security on a version 1.7 level 8 PDF file with 128-bit AES encryption instantly.
GuaPDF works on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, and most Windows server operating systems as well.
Important: Including "demo" software in a list of freeware programs might seem wrong but the GuaPDF demo is fully functional for small files - it doesn't watermark or pretend to remove the password. Considering that it works across almost all PDF versions and encryption levels, something not found in most other true freeware PDF password removers, I couldn't skip on including GuaPDF here.
I recommend that you pick GuaPDF as your PDF password cracker if you have a small PDF with only owner restrictions, which is probably the most common situation. If you need to recover the owner password, try PDFCrack instead. - Free PDF Password Remover -

3. is a free online PDF password remover. Just choose an encrypted PDF file to upload, wait a few seconds while the owner password is removed, and then download the new decrypted PDF.
Method: is a password remover or cracker tool because the security is removed but no passwords are actually found.
Limits: will decrypt PDF files up to version 1.7 level 8 with 128-bit AES encryption. The maximum PDF file size is 150 MB.
My Test: decrypted a small, version 1.7 level 8 PDF file with 128-bit AES encryption in just a few seconds.
Since is an online application, it will work with just about any operating system. is really fast, and really easy to use, especially since there's nothing at all to install.
PDF Password Remover Online - Free Password Remover Tools -
PDF Password Remover Online.

4. PDF Password Remover Online

PDF Password Remover Online is, you guessed it, a free online PDF password remover. Just select a PDF file with an owner password, upload it, and wait a few seconds while the password is removed and the full set of PDF permissions are made available in a newly created PDF.
Method: PDF Password Remover Online is considered a password remover or cracker tool since no passwords are actually discovered.
Limits: PDF Password Remover Online works with PDF files up to version 1.7 level 8 with 128-bit AES encryption. The maximum PDF file size is 10 MB.
My Test: PDF Password Remover Online decrypted a small, version 1.6 PDF file with 128-bit RC4 encryption in just a few seconds, providing a new PDF for download with the password removed.
Since PDF Password Remover Online is a browser based application, it will work with any operating system you happen to be using.
Note: If you like PDF Password Remover Online but don't like the thought of uploading your PDF file, try PdfCrypt, also listed here. PdfCrypt is the desktop version of PDF Password Remover Online. If the file size limit is the concern, try instead.
Since there's nothing to install with PDF Password Remover Online, and there's no options to confuse or complicate the PDF cracking process, this is one of the easiest to use tools available.
PDF Password Remover - Free PDF Password Remover Tool -
PDF Password Remover.

5. PDF Password Remover

PDF Password Remover (no relation to PDF Password Remover Online as far as I can tell) is another installable PDF password remover. It has a very simple PDF-in / PDF-out interface.
Method: PDF Password Remover's name says it all - it's a PDF password remover tool for the PDF owner password and that's all it does.
Limits: PDF Password Remover works with PDF files up to version 1.7 level 8 with 128-bit RC4 encryption.
My Test: PDF Password Remover instantly cracked a version 1.7 level 8 PDF encrypted at 128-bit RC4.
I tried PDF Password Remover on a 64-bit Windows 7 PC but it should work equally well in Windows Vista and Windows XP.
PDF Password Remover is really easy to use but doesn't support some of the higher encryption levels. This might be the perfect PDF password cracker/remover tool for some PDF files but you'll want to make another choice if the encryption level demands it.
PdfCrypt - Free PDF Password Cracker -

6. PdfCrypt

PdfCrypt is the Windows command-line version of PDF Password Remover Online. Just specify the input and output PDF and a decrypted PDF file is instantly generated.
Method: PdfCrypt is a password remover tool. PdfCrypt will not find an owner or user password.
Limits: PdfCrypt works with PDF files up to version 1.7 level 8 with 128-bit AES encryption.
My Test: PdfCrypt decrypted a small version 1.7 level 8 PDF file with 128-bit AES encryption in less than a second.
PdfCrypt should work equally well in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
I think PDF Password Remover Online is a better choice over PdfCrypt for PDF files smaller than 10 MB because the web interface is so easy to use. However, PdfCrypt is the perfect alternative to PDF Password Remover Online for larger PDF files.
PDF Unlocker - Free PDF Password Recovery Software -
PDF Unlocker.

7. PDF Unlocker

PDF Unlocker is a Windows installable program that will find the owner password of a PDF file. PDF Unlocker works much like PDFCrack but is instead a native Windows application, making it a bit easier to use though noticeably slower.
Method: PDF Unlocker sounds like it might be a PDF password remover tool but in reality it's a PDF password recovery program since it discovers the actual owner password from an encrypted PDF. PDF Unlocker uses a brute-force password recovery method.
Limits: PDF Unlocker works with PDF files up to version 1.7 level 8 with 128-bit AES encryption.
My Test: PDF Unlocker recovered the 5-digit owner password on a version 1.7 level 8 PDF with 128-bit AES encryption in about an hour and that's with me specifying the minimum and maximum password length, something you might not know. A longer password or a password where you don't know the length beforehand could take PDF Unlocker several days, weeks, or longer to crack.
PDF Unlocker should work in Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP, including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Note: PDF Unlocker requires that Java is installed before you can use the program. The program also tries to get you to install a browser toolbar during installation but you can cancel it and PDF Unlocker's install will continue fine.
If you need to know the actual owner password of an encrypted PDF file then PDF Unlocker is a good bet, especially if the PDF is encrypted at a level that the much faster PDFCrack can't handle. If you don't need to know the PDF owner password, but instead just want it removed, try one of the PDF password remover programs.